Mar 9, 2008

Crossposting to Multiple Weblogs

Each of these tools has their own benefits, and their own weaknesses. I do not think there is one perfect tool for everyone. You need to use trial and error to find the best tool for yourself. However, I do not think that each of your blogs should be a carbon copy of the rest. Each should have somehting unique.

Most bloggers are aware of the blog feed tools in Outsource, or (which only works if the blogs have an AP key. It also runs into problem if some blogs have a text, and others have HTML text editors.


There is a plug in called . I do not know anyone who has used this tool. It is not offered free.

Wordbook lets bloggers crosspost their posts to wordpress through a mini feed:

Wordpress also has their import/export feature in the new versions. I am going to give these a try as soon as I upgrade some of my older blogs.
Another plug in is WorpressMU I found a blog with some good instructions on using this Wordpress plugin. Of course, this method of managing multiple blogs is very advanced, but hosting your own private community is great for anyone who can hack the admin panel - not hard for someone with an hour to read the tutorials/blogs on the subject.

I have used this feature. It does have some formatting problem. Most new bloggers learn which of their blogs are text, and which are html becuase one blog looks good - another has formatting problem. The intelligent thing to do is set up 2 accounts, one for HTML blogs, one for text. I also suggest not writing the blog first in Word as the posts pick up hidden code.

Windows Live Writer

I build all my blogs on two platforms, blogger and Wordpress. Microsoft has a new tool!D85741BB5E0BE8AA!174.entry This tool works well with blogger.

Windows Live Writer is an excellent tool although it is now out of betta.

I am currently working with this platform. It has some great features, and the posts look good, but I haven't incorporated it to all my different blogs. Currently, I use Wordpress, Blogger, and Drupal.


ecto is a rich desktop blogging client for MacOSX and Windows, which posts to a wide range of bog platforms: Blogger, Blojsom, Drupal, MovableType, Nucleus, SquareSpace, TypePad, WordPress, and more.

ecto is heir apparent to Kung-Log, which is popular among the Mac community. ecto lets bloggers write and manage entries for multiple blogs. Bloggers can compose entries offline and use extra features, including spellcheck, links, attachments, etc..

ecto for windows is $17.00USD. At this moment, I do not know anyone who uses this platform on windows so I cannot rate it.

MultiBlog 1.2.1

This tool works for all blogger API tools. It is fairly simple to use, but may not work on all blogs. Drupal has API key capablitity, but the blog host must activate it - not all do.

Most blog hosts turn of this feature because people try to write in word, past to their blog poster, and then carry 'crap code' into the website damaging the serach engines robots ability to index the site.
Your Comments: I am interested in hearing what bloggers have to say about these platforms.

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