Apr 22, 2008

Successful Article Marketing Pt 1

I’ve used article marketing to increase hits and build links for several years. Like everything in business there is a right way and a wrong way to build an Internet Marketing Campaign that uses Article Marketing.

SEO marketing

SEO marketing and SEO optimization are different disciplines. The SEO marketer creates a spider web in the Internet with each strand leading Internet Users toward the main website. This web can be made from lenses such as myspace, bebo.com, facebook.com, yahoo groups, and other social networking groups. The web will include blogs and newsletters. It may expand to include podcasts, blog phone interviews, internet radio, live chat, and forums.

They must balance SEO factors with Visitor friendly content. Before I earned my SEO marketing certificate I wrote 80 articles. They didn’t increase my Google Page Rank or traffic. I concluded that article marketing was a total waste of time.

Meeting Publisher Demands

I was reintroduced to article marketing when I took a SEO marketing course. The first thing the instructor told us was to forget everything we thought we knew about Internet Marketing. The instructor explained the secrets to a successful article marketing campaign.

Secret one, is to make the articles publisher friendly. Webmasters who manage content management systems want articles that are relevant, cutting edge, and easy to skim. They are looking for keyword rich headings and titles. Publishers have a list of criteria for a good article:
No more than 5% keyword density
Easy to skim articles
Headings every 150 – 200 words
No evergreen content
Good grammar and sentence structure
No long signature lines
No link stacking in article or signature
No invitations to visit the author’s website

Publishers hate a hard sales pitch which undermines the article’s quality.

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