Mar 24, 2008

Can You Increase Page Rank by Commenting In Blogs

There is a new theory that you can comment in a blog and get a link back on a blog with a high PR. I haven't proven this true, or not, but I do see a few flaws in the theory.

Flaw 1: Track Back

The only place to put your link is under your name when signing in. This is a track back. I've commented on quite a few blogs but when I do a link search, links: I do not see a single link back.

Flaw 2: Google Ranks Pages Not Sites

Google gives web pages a rank - that rank does not filter through the entire site. That means that a website can have a PR6 on the home page, and PR0 - PR2 on the rest of the site.

When you comment on a blog, not only doesn't it come up when Google searches for back links. The comment is not 'on' the PR6 page, so it doesn't receive any benefit of the PR6 page. It receives the PageRank value of the page (URL) that it is on.

Flaw 3: No-Follow

Many of the higher PR rank blogs know that people are only commenting to increase their PR. To protect their own SEO efforts, they have no-follow links for the track backs in the comments.

Flaw 4: Track Back URLs

If you've ever used trackbacks, you'll notice that the trackback URL is different from the main URL. Even if the webpage has a PR6, the comment's PR value will come from the trackback url - most likely PR0

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