Apr 15, 2008

Digg: The Problems The Promotion

There are various critisisms about the Digg platform, as with everything on the Net.

Digg users can run a "Bury Brigade" that burries articles they disagree with, without being held accountable. One commentator states that one of the site's major problems:

...is the ability of a small number of users to "bury" stories without accountability. Burying news is meant to help separate spam and inaccurate stories from the general morass of ordinary, viable stuff. But there's long been the suspicion that plenty of users use it to get rid of stories about things they don't like (eg political parties or corporates) - since burying a story is much more powerful than simply voting against it.

There are reports that a few 'top' posters control digg, preventing others from reaching the front page. It is important to realize that Digg is only 3+ years old. There is a lot of growing pains.

This shouldn't keep people from managing their own digg campaigns. Digg is a voting system. It lets users choose which content appears on the home page. Even if the article doesn't appear at the top, it will still generate free traffic.

I've seen articles with only 80 diggs on the home page.

There are some tricks to getting on the home page. Don't write another article on Internet Marketing. You need to start with an excellent article that people wants to read. Then, you need to join a networking group such as http://www.divanetworking.blogspto.com/ where people help each other promote.

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